- About Virtually Olivia -

Welcome to the chronicle of places I go, and events I attend in my Second Life travels. I post lots of photos and landmarks to get to stops I recommend. Most of this blog - but not all - is dedicated to educational builds or places pertaining to education. I am an ardent Second Life traveler, and this blog reflects that. Olivia Hotshot. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

21 September 2010

Hyper Grid Open Sim Stats

Hypergrid Business Article details Open Sim Stats

The full chart of the 81 public grids that were active this month, with grid addresses, is located here: September OpenSim Grid Statistics.
September Region Counts

September Region Counts

* OSGrid: 5668 regions
* InWorldz: 531 regions
* Virtual Worlds Grid: 493 regions
* New World Grid: 479 regions
* Metropolis: 289 regions
* Meta7 (K-Grid): 281 regions
* NexXtLife: 267 regions
* FrancoGrid: 195 regions
* WorldSimTerra: 187 regions
* 3rd Rock Grid: 185 regions
* MyOpenGrid: 180 regions
* ReactionGrid: 153 regions
* ScienceSim: 149 regions
* Avination: 126 regions
* Open Neuland: 117 regions
* Virtyou: 98 regions
* Role Play Worlds: 96 regions
* Oasis World: 96 regions
* AlphaTowne: 91 regions
* German Grid: 87 regions
* SpotOn 3D: 85 regions
* NZ Virtual World Grid: 84 regions
* PrimSim: 66 regions
* Avatar Hangout: 63 regions
* SIM World: 62 regions
* Twisted Sky: 61 regions
* SimValley: 59 regions
* PMGrid: 56 regions
* GiantGrid: 55 regions
* Pirate Grid: 52 regions
* Your Alternative Life: 47 regions
* Pseudospace: 47 regions
* Craft World: 47 regions
* Wilder Westen: 47 regions
* Triton Grid: 36 regions
* VeeSome: 33 regions
* NorthGrid: 32 regions
* GerGrid: 31 regions
* Ikincihayatim: 30 regions
* MetaverseNexus: 30 regions
* Tertiary Grid: 29 regions