- About Virtually Olivia -

Welcome to the chronicle of places I go, and events I attend in my Second Life travels. I post lots of photos and landmarks to get to stops I recommend. Most of this blog - but not all - is dedicated to educational builds or places pertaining to education. I am an ardent Second Life traveler, and this blog reflects that. Olivia Hotshot. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

26 August 2010

Deconstruction 101

Picture 9.png, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

tearing down more of CLIVE to ready for the rebuild.
the desk tops are gone!

Diigo Links 08/27/2010

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

19 August 2010


NMC_block_party_003, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

connecting with movers and shakers

17 August 2010

SLCC Resources

New World Notes: Phillip Linden 2.0 : Philip Rosedale Q&A With Shava Suntzu: Teens & Second Life, Open Source, Interoperability, Search & Topics Galore

Second Life Community Conference Page

16 August 2010

Oz Linden

DSC02232.JPG, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

one of my favorite shots from this particular talk. I have to admit he was very straight talking and stood up for his team and their ideas for forward progression with the Linden product.

Phillip (Rosedale) Linden

DSC02197.JPG, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

He has challenged residents to create a Phillip 2.0. His new avatar will come from the submissions - unless they're ugly because we just won't stand for that!

Phillip (Rosedale) Linden

DSC02213.JPG, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

He came to address the VWER meeting at SLCC.
Thank you Phillip for having an open ear and showing up to discuss issues facing educators.

15 August 2010


DSC02212.JPG, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

... when Phillip Linden came to the VWER meeting and addressed our questions. AJ Kelton is also in this photo.

05 August 2010

SLCC Presenters' Meeting

slcc_meeting_004.png, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

standing with the remarkable Maggie Marat.

03 August 2010

VWER Meeting - August 3 - Olivia Interviews the Curator and Lead Tech for The Tech Museum of San Jose

tech_virtual_006, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

Stephe Roux, Curator of the Tech Museum of Innovation and Agent Helisense, Tech Director of the Museum, being interviewed by yours truly. I was scared to death. The winners of the 2010 Linden Prize hit a homerun with their answers. Of special note was the answer Stephe gave me when i asked, "So tell me, what will you do with the 10,000 of prize money?" His answer? "Use it as prize money for the contests we run for students and teachers." How cool is that?
Way to pay it forward, The Tech!