Office 2010 Training, Excel 2010 Training & Outlook 2010 Training from CustomGuide.
Introducing a Game-Based Curriculum in Higher Ed | Emerging Education Technology
Gartner: Mobility, Big Data on the Rise; Cloud Not so Much -- Campus Technology
Conflicted: Faculty and Online Education, 2012 | Inside Higher Ed
- About Virtually Olivia -
21 June 2012
Diigo Links 06/22/2012
20 June 2012
19 June 2012
18 June 2012
Diigo Links 06/19/2012
163 Questions to Write or Talk About - NYTimes.com
tags: writing prompts questions nytimes ideas English writingprompts education
tags: gamification education learning
3D GameLab Guildsite - Let the journey begin!
tags: game 3dgamelab gaming education 3D learning lab gamification
ELI7081.pdf (application/pdf Object)
tags: flipped classroom education flippedclassroom via:packrati.us 7things edchat flipped_classroom flipped
Free Technology for Teachers: 77 Web Resources for Teachers to Try This Summer
tags: education tools Technology learning teaching ipad resources Web2.0
The Why and How of Using Facebook For Educators – No Need to be Friends At All! | The Edublogger
tags: facebook educators teaching education school groups Edtech Technology
13 June 2012
Diigo Links 06/14/2012
12 June 2012
05 June 2012
02 June 2012
29 May 2012
Diigo Links 05/30/2012
Making the Most of Google Docs: Tips & Lesson Ideas | Catlin Tucker, Honors English Teacher
tags: google docs google googledocs docs googleapps google apps google_docs
StoryKeepers - iPad StoryTelling APPS
tags: iPad digitalstorytelling apps storytelling iPhone writing iPad apps app
Royalty Free Sound Effects (FX) Library for Download
tags: sounds audio soundeffects sound soungle media search podcasting
Selected Student Generated Ice Breakers and Exercises
tags: icebreakers breakers team teaching team_building warmups ice building
10 Warm Ups for Lesson Plans - Using Ice Breakers as Warm Ups
tags: icebreakers warmups teaching education building team LessonPlanning
1003 Teaching and Grading Group Assignments
tags: grading group teaching assessment rubrics
Authorama - Public Domain Books
tags: books ebooks literature publicdomain education archive library book
Finding Educational Apps in the App Store, Curated Collections & App Finders | iPad Academy
Arranging Apps - How to Move Multiple Apps to Other Screens on Your iPad | iPad Academy
How to Quit or End An App That's Stuck or Stalled on Your iPad | iPad Academy
Tablet Computers: Android vs iOS and Why iPads Are the "Value Buy" | iPad Academy
tags: tablet computers android ios ipads academy ipad value buy
The Curious Case of the Flipped-Bloom's Meme - Blog - HappySteve
tags: bloomstaxonomy flipped bloom's taxonomy meme blog flippedclassroom learning Blooms
23 May 2012
Diigo Links 05/24/2012
Resources and Downloads for Online Learning | Edutopia
tags: resources learning elearning edutopia teaching onlineteaching BlendedLearning Education
Blackboard Adds Testing to Mobile Learning App -- Campus Technology
"Blackboard Adds Testing to Mobile Learning App
By Dian Schaffhauser
Blackboard has updated its mobile app to accommodate test taking and to deliver alerts to students when changes happen to their courses without the learning management system (LMS) app being opened. Version 3.0 of Blackboard Mobile Learn allows students to take tests through their devices. That includes a feature that enables the user to start a mobile-based test by "cutting" a red ribbon on a traditional exam blue book. He or she can flag a question for later review by tapping a corner of the screen to create a "dog ear" and eliminate multiple choice answer options from the list by swiping them.
The new features of the latest release are currently available only for Apple iOS and Google Android devices. The company said the previous version of the app will continue being supported on Blackberry and WebOS and it will "continue to evaluate viable platforms for future development based on usage and popularity.""tags: blackboard adds testing mobile technology campus app learning mobile learning
22 May 2012
21 May 2012
20 May 2012
19 May 2012
Diigo Links 05/20/2012
Best Online Collaboration Tools 2012 - Robin Good... - MindMeister Mind Map
tags: collaboration tools Web2.0 technology mindmap Mindmeister mind resources
Aggregation guidelines: Link, attribute, add value « The Buttry Diary
tags: Journalism aggregation
tags: communication technology media blog collaboration tools web2.0
18 May 2012
17 May 2012
Diigo Links 05/18/2012
tags: software editor enhance fix tools vReveal videoediting improve
How To Use Learnist | Learnist
tags: Learnist web2.0 education tools productivity elearning web collaboration learning
Top 25 Web 2.0 Apps to Improve a Student's or Professor's Productivity | OEDb
tags: web2.0 education tools productivity learning collaboration web elearning
16 May 2012
Diigo Links 05/17/2012
Free Technology for Teachers: Easily Create Infographics with Easel.ly
tags: infographics
A Principal's Reflections: Common Misconceptions of Educators Who Fear Technology
tags: technology EdTech misconceptions leadership principal education cpchat edchat
Research tool - Google Docs Help
tags: research googledocs google docs google edtech docs help
15 May 2012
Diigo Links 05/16/2012
tags: presentation tools powerpoint education resources teaching sharing presentations
'Cloning' Most Common and Severe Form of Plagiarism, Survey Finds -- Campus Technology
tags: cloning form plagiarism survey finds campus technology
20 Free and Fun Ways To Curate Web Content | Edudemic
tags: curation bookmarking content edtech education information Web
CoSketch.com - Online Whiteboard Collaboration
tags: collaboration whiteboard tools web2.0 cosketch.com resources cosketch sketch
The Flipped Class Manifest - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education.
tags: flippedclassroom flipped classroom Flipped web2.0 flipping flipped_classroom education flipclass
Screen Capture Utilities for Macintosh
tags: mac tools screencapture screenshots screen capture screen_capture utilities
14 May 2012
Diigo Links 05/15/2012
BYOD best practice and effective policies | Intel Business IT Hub | ComputerworldUK
tags: flipped innovation classroom education flip via:packrati.us flipped classroom learning
RSS Feeds Directory for Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.
tags: teaching rss twitter facebook youtube feeds social media directory rss feeds
11 May 2012
10 May 2012
09 May 2012
Diigo Links 05/10/2012
Ugly Learning « Educator, Learner
tags: learning flip educator Teaching education 21stC digital classroom
Orangutans at Miami zoo use iPads to communicate - Yahoo! News
tags: researchers tools endangered languages education higher education higher chronicle
San Nicolas Hall Spotlight - Freshman Summer Start Program - YouTube
08 May 2012
Diigo Links 05/09/2012
iPad Drives Tablet Growth While Android Tablets Slump -- Campus Technology
Google Drive and Dropbox Cloud Storage Services Compared
tags: dropbox googledrive google storage
7 Tips & Tricks To Get The Most Out Of Google Drive
tags: googledrive google drive ifttt cloud
07 May 2012
04 May 2012
Diigo Links 05/05/2012
03 May 2012
02 May 2012
01 May 2012
Diigo Links 05/02/2012
Blackboard Adds Augmented Reality to Campus iPhone Apps -- Campus Technology
tags: blackboard adds augmented apps iphone campus reality augmented reality technology
- Eight ways to create screencasts and slideshares
tags: screencasts Slideshare Screencasting Jing screencast screencapture tools Web2.0
tags: blogging scholarly activity campus education higher education higher chronicle
Text Message (SMS) Polls and Voting, Audience Response System | Poll Everywhere
tags: poll sms mobile cellphone technology polling web2.0 survey
tags: graph graphing graphs education web2.0 tools interactive
30 April 2012
Diigo Links 05/01/2012
How to Print from Your iPad: Printer and Printing Options | iPad Academy
30 Specialist (and Super Smart) Search Engines
tags: search searchengine tools
Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Ways to Build Your Own Educational Games
tags: technology game game-making learning ikt gmae-making Teachers education
The pros and cons of social media classrooms | ZDNet
tags: pros cons social social media media zdnet classrooms
Comment on, edit, and fill PDF files, Word documents, images and more | Crocodoc
tags: pdf collaboration documents files Crocodoc annotate word
tags: powerpoint web2.0 presentation presentations tools sliderocket
tags: text-to-video text-based web content to video
Empowering Students with Digital Reading | District Administration Magazine
27 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/28/2012
TED Blog | Flip this lesson! A new way to teach with video from TED-Ed
tags: ted flippedclassroom flip education lesson blog web2.0 flipped
Clicker Implementation Models — www.educause.edu — Readability
tags: clicker
Flipping the Classroom — Breaking the Mold of Traditional Teaching | Scholastic.com
How the iPad Is Changing Education
tags: ibooks ipad education edtech iPads twitter change mlearning
25 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/26/2012
tags: assessment Education 21stC
25 Ways To Use iPads In The Classroom by Degree of Difficulty | Edudemic
tags: ipad ipads classroom apps edchat edtech via:packrati.us ipadintheclassroom
Apps in Education: Monster List of iBook Tutorials
tags: ibook tutorials ipad education ibooks mlearning edtech via:packrati.us
AJET: Special issue 2011: Assessing students' Web 2.0 activities in higher education
tags: ajet journal education elearning e-learning assessment
AJET: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology Home Page
tags: journal technology journals research educational education elearning e-learning
TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing
tags: Ted Video lessons education teded via:packrati.us Teaching sharing
What Do Your Rules Say About You? | Edutopia
tags: rules classroom engagement teachers edutopia management teaching
edulicious - edulicious - Having Fun... A Prerequisite for Learning?
Accessibility in the classroom
tags: accessibility microsoft education assistive technology
TechLearning: Four Web 2.0 Collaborative-Writing Tools
tags: collaboration writing web2.0
Single Best Way to Transform Classrooms of Any Size! | HASTAC
tags: pedagogy teaching interactive edchat
WeVideo Brings Collaborative Video Editing to Google Drive - SocialTimes
Anthro Ships Tablet Charging Cart and Cabinet -- Campus Technology
tags: anthro ships tablet charging cart technology campus cabinet
24 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/25/2012
Phonecast live to the web from any phone, anywhere | ipadio | Talk to your World
tags: podcasting podcast audio phonecast tools ipadio web2.0 mobile
Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Some Handy Tools For YouTube
tags: youtube tools web2.0 via:packrati.us
The 5 Keys to Educational Technology -- THE Journal
tags: technology education edtech educational keys 5 instructionaldesign teaching 21stC digital learning
23 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/24/2012
The Price Is Right? -- Campus Technology
tags: price right campus technology eText
Welcome to AlterEgos - Face to face with your visitors.
tags: Avatars animated AlterEgos avatar avtaar with cartoon Face
Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Quick List Of iPad Resources For The Classroom
tags: iPad resources apps education web mlearning edtech classroom
tags: wikispaces web2.0 wiki education collaboration e-learning tools Wikis
tags: traduction google traduction ressources Google translation translator
Create a Live internet Radio Show Free | Spreaker Online Radio
tags: radio podcast Audio streaming music web spreaker Web2.0
Instant Screen Sharing | Screenleap
tags: screensharing collaboration tools share web2.0 screenleap screen sharing
DOWNLOAD Your Guide To Social Media Marketing
tags: download guide social social media
Turn your iPad into a control surface for Adobe, Autodesk or Avid's tools | Macworld
The History 2.0 Classroom: Why Go 1:1 iPad?
tags: ipad ipads 1:1 education learning apps elearning via:packrati.us
The Honeymoon is not over: iPad is a creation tool « The Spicy Learning Blog
tags: ipad edchat edtech ipad_creation via:packrati.us byotchat apps