How to Print from Your iPad: Printer and Printing Options | iPad Academy
Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Ways to Build Your Own Educational Games
Comment on, edit, and fill PDF files, Word documents, images and more | Crocodoc
Empowering Students with Digital Reading | District Administration Magazine
- About Virtually Olivia -
30 April 2012
Diigo Links 05/01/2012
27 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/28/2012
TED Blog | Flip this lesson! A new way to teach with video from TED-Ed
tags: ted flippedclassroom flip education lesson blog web2.0 flipped
Clicker Implementation Models — www.educause.edu — Readability
tags: clicker
Flipping the Classroom — Breaking the Mold of Traditional Teaching | Scholastic.com
How the iPad Is Changing Education
tags: ibooks ipad education edtech iPads twitter change mlearning
25 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/26/2012
tags: assessment Education 21stC
25 Ways To Use iPads In The Classroom by Degree of Difficulty | Edudemic
tags: ipad ipads classroom apps edchat edtech via:packrati.us ipadintheclassroom
Apps in Education: Monster List of iBook Tutorials
tags: ibook tutorials ipad education ibooks mlearning edtech via:packrati.us
AJET: Special issue 2011: Assessing students' Web 2.0 activities in higher education
tags: ajet journal education elearning e-learning assessment
AJET: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology Home Page
tags: journal technology journals research educational education elearning e-learning
TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing
tags: Ted Video lessons education teded via:packrati.us Teaching sharing
What Do Your Rules Say About You? | Edutopia
tags: rules classroom engagement teachers edutopia management teaching
edulicious - edulicious - Having Fun... A Prerequisite for Learning?
Accessibility in the classroom
tags: accessibility microsoft education assistive technology
TechLearning: Four Web 2.0 Collaborative-Writing Tools
tags: collaboration writing web2.0
Single Best Way to Transform Classrooms of Any Size! | HASTAC
tags: pedagogy teaching interactive edchat
WeVideo Brings Collaborative Video Editing to Google Drive - SocialTimes
Anthro Ships Tablet Charging Cart and Cabinet -- Campus Technology
tags: anthro ships tablet charging cart technology campus cabinet
24 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/25/2012
Phonecast live to the web from any phone, anywhere | ipadio | Talk to your World
tags: podcasting podcast audio phonecast tools ipadio web2.0 mobile
Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Some Handy Tools For YouTube
tags: youtube tools web2.0 via:packrati.us
The 5 Keys to Educational Technology -- THE Journal
tags: technology education edtech educational keys 5 instructionaldesign teaching 21stC digital learning
23 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/24/2012
The Price Is Right? -- Campus Technology
tags: price right campus technology eText
Welcome to AlterEgos - Face to face with your visitors.
tags: Avatars animated AlterEgos avatar avtaar with cartoon Face
Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Quick List Of iPad Resources For The Classroom
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Create a Live internet Radio Show Free | Spreaker Online Radio
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Instant Screen Sharing | Screenleap
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DOWNLOAD Your Guide To Social Media Marketing
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Turn your iPad into a control surface for Adobe, Autodesk or Avid's tools | Macworld
The History 2.0 Classroom: Why Go 1:1 iPad?
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The Honeymoon is not over: iPad is a creation tool « The Spicy Learning Blog
tags: ipad edchat edtech ipad_creation via:packrati.us byotchat apps
20 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/21/2012
Five Best Practices for the Flipped Classroom | Edutopia
tags: flipped classroom best practices flipped flip learning flippedclassroom classroom teaching
Making Online PowerPoint Content Engaging: Writing a Narration Script | Faculty Focus
tags: powerpoint presentation engagement AeL
19 April 2012
18 April 2012
16 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/17/2012
tags: ipad apps livebinder ipads Resources schools technology education
Tablet sales to double in 2012
tags: ipad
50 Innovative Ways To Use iPads In School | Edudemic
tags: ipad apps elearning mlearning iPads EdTech education innovative
tags: education study web2.0 collaboration school tools learning notes
Polaroid Confirms Plans to Release 3D Tablet | Mobile Phone Blog
tags: polaroid plans release tablet mobile blog mobile phone phone
13 April 2012
12 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/13/2012
Wikipedia project to support OER | Hewlett OER Grantees Meeting 2012
How to use toolbar - diigo help
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Online converter - convert video, images, audio and documents for free
tags: converter audio tools convert ebook image document file
10 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/11/2012
Desire2Learn Unveils Assignment Grader App for iPad -- Campus Technology
tags: desire assignment app ipad campus technology D2D LMS
7 Web 2.0 Animation Tools | Mark Brumley
tags: animation web2.0 tools web Ukedchat cpchat edchat homeschool
Using Google Docs with Students
tags: googledocs Google Google Docs docs students
InstaBackup: Backup all your Instagram Pictures - David Smith
09 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/10/2012
Taking Diigo Beyond the Bookmark
tags: diigo bookmarking tools socialbookmarking twitter beyond resources web2.0
Algebra 1 Teachers: How to put math/science symbols and equations (almost) anywhere
Rebuilding the LMS for the 21st Century -- Campus Technology
tags: lms campus technology
What do High School students want from mobile tech? [Infographic] | ZDNet
tags: infographic mobile technology BER
06 April 2012
05 April 2012
04 April 2012
03 April 2012
Diigo Links 04/04/2012
tags: web2.0 tools blog publish website publishing web share
Week 5: Adding images and attribution : Challenge Yourself to Blog
tags: copyright attribution blogging
iPads (or other devices) and Literature Circles – co-starring Edmodo.
tags: edmodo ipads literature circles iPad
On Bike Share Launches New Bike Sharing Service -- Campus Technology