- About Virtually Olivia -

Welcome to the chronicle of places I go, and events I attend in my Second Life travels. I post lots of photos and landmarks to get to stops I recommend. Most of this blog - but not all - is dedicated to educational builds or places pertaining to education. I am an ardent Second Life traveler, and this blog reflects that. Olivia Hotshot. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

01 May 2009

Immersive Education Day: Kansas/Misouri - July 27th

Immersive Education Day: Kansas/Misouri - July 27th
At the Kauffman Conference Center in Kansas City Missouri

Submit a proposal to present!

Due to sponsorships, this event will be free (with a minimal $25 lunch and beverage fee), seating is limited to 250 participants

The Immersive Education Day: Kansas and Missouri is being organized by the EducationGrid project and the Greenbush Southeast Kansas Education Service Center. The event is intended primarily for K-12 virtual world educators. The goal of this conference is to:

* Showcase virtual world technology for education (Opensim, Wonderland, Open Cobalt, ActiveWorlds, Secondlife, and others)
* Share best practices
* Share taxonomies and pedagogies
* Share resources
* Connect with like minded educators