Hypergrid Business Article details Open Sim Stats
The full chart of the 81 public grids that were active this month, with grid addresses, is located here: September OpenSim Grid Statistics.
September Region Counts
September Region Counts
* OSGrid: 5668 regions
* InWorldz: 531 regions
* Virtual Worlds Grid: 493 regions
* New World Grid: 479 regions
* Metropolis: 289 regions
* Meta7 (K-Grid): 281 regions
* NexXtLife: 267 regions
* FrancoGrid: 195 regions
* WorldSimTerra: 187 regions
* 3rd Rock Grid: 185 regions
* MyOpenGrid: 180 regions
* ReactionGrid: 153 regions
* ScienceSim: 149 regions
* Avination: 126 regions
* Open Neuland: 117 regions
* Virtyou: 98 regions
* Role Play Worlds: 96 regions
* Oasis World: 96 regions
* AlphaTowne: 91 regions
* German Grid: 87 regions
* SpotOn 3D: 85 regions
* NZ Virtual World Grid: 84 regions
* PrimSim: 66 regions
* Avatar Hangout: 63 regions
* SIM World: 62 regions
* Twisted Sky: 61 regions
* SimValley: 59 regions
* PMGrid: 56 regions
* GiantGrid: 55 regions
* Pirate Grid: 52 regions
* Your Alternative Life: 47 regions
* Pseudospace: 47 regions
* Craft World: 47 regions
* Wilder Westen: 47 regions
* Triton Grid: 36 regions
* VeeSome: 33 regions
* NorthGrid: 32 regions
* GerGrid: 31 regions
* Ikincihayatim: 30 regions
* MetaverseNexus: 30 regions
* Tertiary Grid: 29 regions
- About Virtually Olivia -
Welcome to the chronicle of places I go, and events I attend in my Second Life travels. I post lots of photos and landmarks to get to stops I recommend. Most of this blog - but not all - is dedicated to educational builds or places pertaining to education. I am an ardent Second Life traveler, and this blog reflects that.