- About Virtually Olivia -

Welcome to the chronicle of places I go, and events I attend in my Second Life travels. I post lots of photos and landmarks to get to stops I recommend. Most of this blog - but not all - is dedicated to educational builds or places pertaining to education. I am an ardent Second Life traveler, and this blog reflects that. Olivia Hotshot. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

18 February 2010

Reaction Grid VWER Meeting

RG_VWER Meeting_004, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

Reaction Grid VWER Meeting was held partially on my property, Aether and Omen Crow's Devonshire. I'm the blue person. AJ is seated next to me. Zotarah is behind and Esparanza is behind her. Viv is behind me with the new VWER shirt on. I believe the gentleman's name was Logos? (sorry) And Margaret - who unfortunately cannot be seen - was on my right.