- About Virtually Olivia -

Welcome to the chronicle of places I go, and events I attend in my Second Life travels. I post lots of photos and landmarks to get to stops I recommend. Most of this blog - but not all - is dedicated to educational builds or places pertaining to education. I am an ardent Second Life traveler, and this blog reflects that. Olivia Hotshot. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

28 June 2009

24 June 2009

Romo at Siba

siba_023, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

yet another amazing build.

Visiting Siba

siba_012, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

Another amazing build by Romo Lowey. Each element of the sim is as authentic as it is aesthetically pleasing.

23 June 2009

sler 6_32_09

sler6_32_09_018, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

I had the honor of being asked to host the weekly Second Life Educators' Roundtable today. The topic, Our We Our Avatars? was lively (disregard the man behind me who is nodding off) and well attended. I am sitting here looking at the Primatar, that Pathfinder Linden wore to the meeting. That was the original avatar in case you were wondering.

22 June 2009

It all starts with a prim...

campus_start_003, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

Main building has 4 seating areas, each with a board on which announcements can be posted. we're going for a beachy, hip and open air look. Cannot wait to see what it looks like when it is finished.

17 June 2009

SLER 6_16_09

SLER6_16_09_001, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

Worlds other than Second Life was the topic.
The transcript s here:


merlot_shirts_003, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

... with Friday Karu and her newly made MERLOT shirts. We are presenting at the conference in August where we will do 2 pre-conference hands-on workshops about SL.

16 June 2009


Zindra_013.jpg, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

This accidental great action capture is now one of my all time favorites.

15 June 2009

I went to see the new adult continent, Zindra

LCIN_move_031.jpg, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

and was mindlessly wandering around when....



LCIN_move_033.jpg, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

I got hit!!

a guy flew by and all of a sudden i was engulfed in flames, under a giant teddy bear, riding a bike and in a ball.


and then i realized...

LCIN_move_036.jpg, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

it was a full combat sim and i just got griefed

Zindra - adult_continent

adult_continent.png, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

Get ready to explore the new adult continent known as Zindra. In coordination with the final release of the 1.23 viewer, today, Monday, June 15th, Zindra will be officially opened for the Residents of Second Life. Zindra will be open for two weeks - and will end on the 29th of June. The Lindens will be offering a box of themed content (including roads, buildings, textures, and other Zindra-specific stuff) to Residents, much like they did for Nautilus. It will be available before the migration starts.

Not sure which part of Zindra to explore first? You can find a list of SLurls provided below that will take you to some areas of interest. While the 1.23 viewer will allow you to see regions flagged as Adult, Mature and PG, it is not needed to access Zindra. You will however need enough information on file to be considered account verified, otherwise you will not be able to teleport to the region. Check out the knowledge base article HERE to learn how to verify your account! Keep in mind that if you use the 1.22 viewer, regions will appear as mature rather than adult.

The outer end of Cinyris Island, a premier vacation spot!

Welcome to Kama City!

One of the hydroelectric dams on the River.

Another mighty dam!

The third dam.

Greetings from Shell Beach!

paula_rick_olivia_at NMC

Paula was doing a tour of SL for some faculty - so we volunteered to be there with her.

13 June 2009

NMC Conference 09

NMC_Conference09_008.jpg, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

I am thrilled that the NMC streamed the keynotes into Second Life so that those of us who could not go to Monterey could "see" the presentations almost as if we were really there.

This photo is from Friday"s Keynote Presentation by Marco Torres; Director, Producer & Educator.

"Marco Torres has been recognized locally and internationally for his accomplishments in the classroom, creative program building, administering complex budgets, and for the use of technology to empower minority students. He has received honors and awards from the government, educational leadership organizations, the creative arts community, business groups, and also from his students."

"As a teacher and media professional artist, Marco Torres is involved with many professional organizations where he is an advocate for more collaboration between the media arts world and education. For example, Marco was recruited to serve as a board member for the George Lucas Educational Foundation --a foundation created by filmmaker George Lucas to promote digital technology, change, community, and learning everywhere. Marco also is an Apple Distinguished Educator -- a program, sponsored by Apple that recognizes innovators in today's classrooms."
For more information go to the NMC site:

11 June 2009

** Exhibition The Travelling Mannequins at Unintended Water **

unintended_water_001.jpg, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

For the first time some of the best pictures taken of the Travelling Mannequins can be seen inworld!

Several photographers took their pictures at the three locations (Unintended Water, Poetik Velvets and Chapeau tres Mignon). They can be seen at the Expo of Unintended Water .

On Friday, June 12th we're having an opening party at 12.00 AM PDT (21.00 CET) with DJ Ronn Dagostino and we would love to see you there !

See you there!!

Participating photographers: Lumir Beleza, Olivia Hotshot, Demerick Creeley, Icarus Robbiani, Del May, Carton Bristol, Maloe Vansant, Sura Abismo, MicheleR Wrigglesworth, Moti Moody, Sabra Hemingway, Angelique Ronmark and Eves Rodenberger!

10 June 2009

SLER 6_09_09

SLER6_09_09_017, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

Increasing Our Ranks was the Topic. Interesting conversation about "selling" the idea of Second Life to colleagues - something I do not subscribe to in any way. I prefer my technology to be curriculum driven and used when it enhances pedagogy in a course. I don't think you can "sell" educators on Second Life. Read the transcript here:


08 June 2009

07 June 2009

FREE July 2009 Desktop Calendar

if you like it, download it


one of the best built clubs in Second Life

06 June 2009


quidditch_004.jpg, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

... sometimes you just have to step outside of your comfort zone

05 June 2009

Olivia's Wordle

Created at http://www.wordle.net/

SLER Wordle

A wordle made by AJ Brooks from the SLER Meetings from 3/10 - 5/26.


Thess Writer has asked me to participate in this show which is being held at Unintended Water. Please try to come out and support the artists.


03 June 2009


ORFEO'S ORATORIO_006.jpg, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.


An immersive art environment, it is a virtual amusement park with an Upper World/Under World theme. The centerpiece of the upper level is an other-worldly fountain. Two-person steerable gondolas and 1-person fixed-path coracles play the role of bumper cars. The coracles swing the rider into space outside the build, and the view back in is spectacular. There are dance pose balls and, in a corner, a Circle of Confusion, a round table and seating with a perpetual party going on. A quote from the end of Dante's "Inferno" periodically drifts up and out through a circular opening in the roof. The floor is of particular interest. Its texture of black and transparent squares creates the illusion of a mirror-like reflection that, along with the columns and arches, lends a Venetian atmosphere. Viewers will also want to notice how the light changes from day to night along the walls.

Two blue-jetted ferris wheels connect the Upper World to the Underworld, which is an upsidedown version of the former. Hot oranges and purples replace the cool blue colors of the Upper World, and the Salsa Inferna pose balls dance the avatars on the ceiling. The underworld coracle is ringed with fire, and particle flames shoots up from the floor. A set of flaming sconces lights up either end, and the Underworld version of the fountain hangs from the ceiling, dripping particle sparks like a giant chandelier. Another quote from the Inferno sinks slowly through the floor. And a single ferris wheel connects the rider to the Outside World, where the v

pathfinder lowlands


- The Pathfinder Islands (Pathfinder Lowlands and Pathfinder Highlands) are two SIMS supporting our Pathfinder suite of personal development and team development programmes.
- We will also be promoting live music and the arts (from end June)
- Two live music venues The Ruins (on the Lowlands) and The Amphitheatre (on the Highlands) will also be used for seminars
- Permanent dance platform (The Hall of Prometheus) - check it out on midnight settings

Project is developed by Institute of Human Development (IHD) - see www.ihd.co.uk (and soon www.mypathfinder.com)
The Institute of Human Development is a for profit organisation.


SLER Meeting 6_1_09

SLER6_1_09_002, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

“Our Engaged is Not Their Engaged: The Myth of Undivided Attention”
with special guest Harry Pence - Emeritus Distinguished Teaching Professor of Chemisty at SUNY Oneonta
in SL he is known as John2 Kepler

To read the transcript, check out Iggy's awesome resource.