- About Virtually Olivia -

Welcome to the chronicle of places I go, and events I attend in my Second Life travels. I post lots of photos and landmarks to get to stops I recommend. Most of this blog - but not all - is dedicated to educational builds or places pertaining to education. I am an ardent Second Life traveler, and this blog reflects that. Olivia Hotshot. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

11 June 2009

** Exhibition The Travelling Mannequins at Unintended Water **

unintended_water_001.jpg, originally uploaded by Olivia Hotshot.

For the first time some of the best pictures taken of the Travelling Mannequins can be seen inworld!

Several photographers took their pictures at the three locations (Unintended Water, Poetik Velvets and Chapeau tres Mignon). They can be seen at the Expo of Unintended Water .

On Friday, June 12th we're having an opening party at 12.00 AM PDT (21.00 CET) with DJ Ronn Dagostino and we would love to see you there !

See you there!!

Participating photographers: Lumir Beleza, Olivia Hotshot, Demerick Creeley, Icarus Robbiani, Del May, Carton Bristol, Maloe Vansant, Sura Abismo, MicheleR Wrigglesworth, Moti Moody, Sabra Hemingway, Angelique Ronmark and Eves Rodenberger!